Cant create system Image: Storage space drive marked as "necessary"... (error "backup failed" one of the volumes not ntfs...(0x8078011D)"

I am trying to create a system image today and although I only want to take a snapshot of the C:, my SSD storage pool is also grayed out and not available to de-select.  So basically the default settings to create the image include drives; c: , d:( ssd storage), and x:(efi system).  Like I said, these are all the ones that are checked by default and cannot be un-checked.  I do not want to backup the D: but somewhere along the way windows marked it as a necessary system drive probably because programs installed there have allocated files also to the C:. 

The error I am getting is "backup failed: one of the volumes is invalid because it is either not on a fixed drive, is not formatted NTFS, or is read only."  then it gives direction to convert fat32 to ntfs along with hexdec code (0x8078011D). 

So to sum it up, I am assuming I am getting the error because: 1: drive D is a MSFT storage pool/ storage space.  2: drive d is marked as necessary and cant be excluded from the backup.

I am no expert so could be way off base here but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

On another note:  if someone could link a site for information on booting either an @ home Windows 8.1 sys from iSCSI drive or booting with windows installed to storage space and efi files on seperate SSD(which i found out is possible but have not found much info as to how) I would really appreciate it.

July 8th, 2015 3:25pm

Hi bda714,

" I do not want to backup the D: but somewhere along the way windows marked it as a necessary system drive probably because programs installed there have allocated files also to the C:. "

We could try to work with the command line "wbAdmin start backup -backupTarget:E: -include:C:" (Replace "E" with the location you prefer)
Here is a link for reference of "Wbadmin start backup"
Wbadmin start backup

For the second question, it is recommended to open another case.
One case is concentrated on one issue. It will be very clear and convenient as a reference for the person who will come across the similar issue in the future.  Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.

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July 9th, 2015 2:07am

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